Monday, November 22, 2004

As usual,

I've been extremely busy with work....the life of a sales guy trying to close out end-of-year business.

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Thank you, Eva Savage.

This is the America that I respect, regardless of your political persuasion. This is reality, this is truth. Thank you, Eva Savage, for showing the same honor, duty, commitment and courage as your son.

Michael Moore is a coward, and I so hope that reality and truth such as this will help the 49% of Americans who voted for Kerry soon recognize this.

Monday, November 08, 2004


My prayers and best wishes for the coalition troops as they try to defeat the terrorists in Falluja.

It is very interesting as I talk to friends, relatives, and business associates around the country as to feelings about Iraq. Not very difficult in seeing who gets their info from the liberal MSM vs who actually pays attention and spends a little time researching. I expect the MSM to be very negative as to how this battle proceeds. This could be a great victory for Iraq and coalition forces, but we may never know it by listening to the MSM.

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Swift Boat vets

I think they are owed many apologies by the Democrats, as well as Kerry. However, it amazes me that I continue to hear lefties bashing them. I just heard a pundit on a news show say how the Swifties were obviously a Republican Party operative.

To me, that's another slap in their face. A reasonable person can see that there was too much passion in their message for it to be anything other than genuine.

My personal thank you to the Swifties for having the courage to fight in Vietnam, and the courage to stand up to Kerry and the Democratic Party. Another job well done!

negative rhetoric

After listening to the pundits on the left try to explain their Presidential loss, I am disappointed. I hope that the left rejects the "hate" rhetoric, referring to people like Karl Rove as "evil", etc. I actually saw a blog that refers to some of the new Democrats, such as Obama, as part of the "new Taliban". This certainly is not a positive thing, although I imagine they somehow meant this in a positive way...considering that Obama seems to be a decent guy.

New Taliban? The lefties think that that the 51% of Americans who voted for Bush are uneducated, and don't get it. This is probably because that 51% are not foolish enough to engage in shouting matches, and don't choose to engage. But intelligent and educated they are, and my guess is that they ALL understand what a nasty statement that is.

My hope is that the left can raise their rhetoric out of the hate gutter. They have many good arguments and points of view, which makes for healthy debate. I believe that most Americans want to hear this debate....but not wrapped in "hate messages". That is my interpretation of why "values" and "morality" were important to voters in this election.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Election over....

and while I have been VERY busy with work, I am now working in my office, and waiting to see Kerry concede. About time.

However, this election was actually closer than I thought it would be, although Bush won the popular vote by about 3.5M votes. I really did think he would win Wisconsin (not yet determined), PA, and NH. And no doubt the Republican effort in OH was stellar.

Reality is that I am glad he won CO, although CO had a rough day. Coors lost the Senate seat, even though I think Salazar will do fine....just wrong side of the aisle. And the Dems look to take over the State House and Senate. Should make local politics very interesting, especially with a popular Republican governor.

Finally, Amendment 36 (electoral issue) was convincingly shot down. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Shouldn't you have to be a state resident to be able to put a constitutional amendment on the ballot? Either way, a very dumb and trasnparent effort to USE Colorado.

Congratulations, President Bush! Now, let's get back to work.