Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Best Training Strategies for optimum fat loss

If you ever been to a doctor, the first thing they do is convince you to do low to moderate intensity aerobic training. This is also referred to as cardio. They suggest you do about 30-60 minutes of steady pace cardio for about 3-5 times in a week. They claim this helps maintain your heart rate at a moderate level.

Before you get involved in such a routine, consider some recent scientific research that gives concrete facts to prove such cardio workouts may not work that well after all.


Sunday, May 09, 2010

Improve Your Lifestyle With an Effective Body Building Routine

While there is no one specific way you should plan a body building routine, there are some better ways to go about a workout plan than others. An effective workout routine will blend with your schedule while allowing you sufficient time to sculpt your muscles by working out in the most efficient way possible.